Images of algae
- Phycological Images is (so far) our favorite collection of seaweed images. From the laboratory of Dr. Inouye at the University of Tsukuba. Great stuff! (in Japanese)
- Cytographics has great motion picture and still photography of all kinds of microscopic life, including many (mostly freshwater) microscopic algae.
- Seaweed Web Gallery is a large collection of images of seaweeds, mostly photographed in habit. This gallery doesn't contain much information beyond the photos, but is part of the very extensive Seaweed Site from Mike Guiry. More information and photos are provided by Mike through Algaebase, a database of information on the algae of the world.
- Seaweeds of Hokkaido has good images of pressed specimens, as well as some micrographs. If you have problems reading Japanese, skip to the pictures at Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta-1, and Rhodophyta-2.
Science and art organizations
- Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. is a members' organization for people interested in combining art with science and technology. ASCI sponsors meetings, exhibitions, and publications about art and science.
- The Arts Catalyst, the science-art agency, organizes and sponsors projects to bridge the gap between art and science in the perception of both professionals and the public. Cool stuff, including a project inviting artists to create work in reduced gravity.
- Artscience.org is the website of the Nature and Inquiry artists' group, currently five artists exploring questions at the intersection of nature, art, and science.
- The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology sponsors projects bringing together art and science in the context of technology, with the aim of demonstrating the significance of technology in human society.
- Leonardo, a journal published by the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST), focuses on the work of artists using science- and technology-based media, and gives awards in the field.
- Sciart is an EU organization that sponsors and promotes collaborations between scientists and artists. Although they are no longer awarding grants, their site contains a history of sponsored projects and links to other funding agencies.
- Wellcome Trust Exhibitions focus on collaborations of science, art, and medicine. The Wellcome Trust sponsors numerous shows and makes awards to promote communication of science to the public.
- Ylem organizes shows and fosters communication among artists using science and technology in their work.
Educational resources
- Is There Seaweed in Your House? is an interactive game that demonstrates many of the practical uses of algae. Great activity for anyone 4 (with help) and up, from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
- The Exploratorium, the museum of science, art and human perception, provides a lot of good basic resources and activities for science educators.
Information specific to Rhode Island
- Field Guide to the Shores of Rhode Island covers the basics of life in the marshes and rocky shores of RI. From Emily Carrington, University of Rhode Island.
- The Rhode Island Natural History Survey is a private non-profit clearinghouse for information on natural history in Rhode Island. Among other projects, they are responsible for the Biota of Rhode Island, a catalogue of all the taxa ever reported in the state. Alex serves on the board of directors of the RINHS.
- The Rhode Island Wild Plant Society focuses mostly on native terrestrial plants, but also sponsors autumn mushroom walks and occasional jaunts to the shore. The RIWPS office is across the street from our studio.
- Tide Charts, Narragansett Bay and RI Coast are from a site that includes tide charts for 150 harbors in New England.