December 10, 2002 . Narragansett, RI Interesting finds at low tide at Pier 5 in Narragansett. We were particularly interested in the mottled and patchy appearance of the Laminaria. Sometimes this pattern is clearly the result of the change in the thallus when it becomes reproductive, but other times it looks like an infection or endophyte of some kind.... We also liked the odd appearance of this rock near the high-tide line, and the dried Ascophyllum cast up high on the shore. Back in the studio, we see a typical Champia parvula, and a close-up of a Terebellid worm of some kind (maybe Polycirrus phosphoreus?). The photo has two fingers in the background for scale. For whatever reason, we find several of these worms among our algae on this day, and spend about an hour trying to shoot video of them crawling around.
Click here to a panoramic view of the rocky shore as seen from the Pier in this shoot.
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