Early 2002 The studio began documenting some of its activities in early 2002. Here we see our discovery of the huge collections of drift algae at Scarborough South in Narragansett, RI, now a frequent haunt. We also see slicks of an unidentified green on rocks at low tide. Slides 5 and 6 show algae balls, tight woven balls of mixed composition that are apparently formed by the unique action of waves in the corner of Second Beach in Middletown, RI. Equally cool are snail tracks on rocks at high tide at Third Beach (Slide 7). Four slides show algae back in the studio: Chorda, the spring form of Desmarestia aculeata (with a full set of "tufted assimilators"), and Palmaria with attached snail eggs. The last two slides show Alex's discovery of some unique specimens and a full set of the Phycotheca boreali-americana (Collins, Holden, & Setchell, 1895-1919) in the herbarium of a local university--incredible and inspiring work. | |