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A guide to updates and revisions of the Cryptogamic Botany website, occasional epiphanies, and milestones in our work.
January 2006
January 22, 2006 |
We have a lot left to do, but today we started in on the first major update of this website in well over a year. A lot has happened and a lot of new and exciting things are upcoming. Right now, we are packing to move into a new expanded studio space and actually having some kind of sale (for the first time). Stay tuned and stay in touch. (AOF) |
December 2005
December 14, 2005 |
Reaching new audiences and fans, this morning our prints were very prominently featured on the Today Show. Laurie Smith, designer from the television show Trading Spaces, appeared this morning on the Today Show along with four of our seaweed prints. Laurie and host Alexis Glick chatted about design, color, and seaweed, of course. You can see the segment on the NBC website (follow the link and the click on "Launch" under the photo to the right; requires Internet Explorer or equivalent). Laurie's new book, Discovering Home is widely avalailable and can be ordered online through Amazon.com. (AOF) |
March 2004
March 2, 2004 |
Seaweed Pressing with Alex might very well be the first national television broadcast of seaweed pressing in the United States, maybe even in the world. I taped this segment with Martha Stewart a few months ago, and my main recollection was that I struggled to produce a half smile for the first 5 minutes of the show. Have a look at our Exhibitions page for more information and reviews. (AOF) |
February 2004
February 27, 2004 |
Martha Stewart's high-end "The Catalog for Living" is now selling prints from our second series. This is the first time that Martha has ventured into the sale of art, and the first time that we've had national distribution of our artwork. If nothing else, the huge distribution of the catalog will help spread the word. Martha has finished the prints in silver-colored frames (not our maple exhibition molding), and is offering up three reds from Series 2 for $239 each. There is a photo and description of the prints on her website. Look here. (MFB, AOF) |
June 2003
June 15, 2003 |
Molly got married to Kevin Bernstein, a fellow RISD grad, on Eastover Farm in Rochester, MA. See the wedding website here. Happy Father's Day. (MFB) |
June 2, 2003 |
As our first foray into garbage gardening, we have aims to grow a mango tree in the studio. See our progress on the MangoCam. (MF, AOF) |
April 2003
April 22, 2003 |
Finally completed and posted an illustrated guide to the lichens of Rhode Island by Don Flenniken. We managed the publication of this project for the Rhode Island Natural History Survey. Have a look at Rhode Island's Foliose and Fruticose Lichens online. (AOF, KH, MF, ER) |
April 9, 2003 |
Made the first update to the FieldCam pages in a long time. (It was a pretty cold winter.) Redesigned part of the FieldCam homepage to accommodate more dates, added about 15 new images to the rotating gallery on the homepage, and posted about 80 photos from February and March 2003. Have a look here. (MF, AOF) |
April 8, 2003 |
Fixed a bug from a security update that prevented mailing-list forms from being submitted for the past few days. (AOF) |
April 3-4, 2003 |
Spent two days in NYC participating in a photo shoot for an article on pressed seaweed. In early July, look for our work in one of the most popular and widely distributed decorating magazines around. This looks like it will be a good step toward returning seaweeds to a place of prominence in the average American household. (AOF, MF) |
April 2, 2003 |
Finished the work for Molly's show, which opens at risd|works tomorrow. This show features about 20 new originals as well as our first series of prints, and is the first public exhibition of our new series "Algae papilio-parvus" (little butterfly algae). Look for "Fallon" in the Sunday Times, and look for all of us at the reception on April 17th. If you are on our mailing list, we'll send you an invitation shortly. (AOF, MF, KH) |
March 2003
March 18, 2003 |
Posted an updated version of The Guide to Pressing Seaweed. Have a look here. Thanks to John Bolton, Jenny Bryant, Osborne Morton, Robert Patzner, and Craig Schneider for their helpful comments. We'll be going to press with a printed booklet version of the guide before the end of the month. (AOF, MF, KH) |
March 14, 2003 |
We've begun to post some of our favorite quotations and poems inspired by cryptogamic botany and science and art. Have a look at some of them here. Try as we might, it's clear that many Victorian botanists were far better writers than we are. We will expand this section on an ongoing basis. If you have any suggestions, let us know. (AOF, MF) |
March 3, 2003 |
Through the grapevine, came to learn that the species designation of our local Grateloupia has changed. Based on new analysis, Gavio and Fredericq (2002) have identified our most recent invader in the Northwest Atlantic as Grateloupia turuturu Yamada (not G. doryphora as previously reported here and elsewhere). Gavio and Fredericq's paper in Eur. J. Phycol. is available online here. (AOF) |
February 2003
February 20, 2003 |
Last night we posted a draft version of The Guide to Pressing Seaweed. Have a look, and send us any comments or suggestions. We'll be making updates to the guide over the next two weeks, then releasing the final online and print versions in March. (AOF, MF) |
February 14, 2003 |
Rumor has it that a small photograph of our project for the Geisha restaurant appears in the March 2003 issue of W Magazine (page 278). The soon-to-open Japanese fusion restaurant at 33 E. 61st St. in Manhattan will feature a fine dining area enclosed by a backlit glass wall and ceiling containing nearly 100 Palmaria specimens. The atmosphere in this room will be incredible: warm, decadently beautiful, but clean and fresh. We spent nearly 6 months designing and constructing the glass panels for this installation. Happy Valentine's Day. (MF, AOF) |
February 11, 2003 |
Gave an informal (last-minute) seminar lecture for the Rhode Island chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society. Illustrating Seaweeds: Innovations in the Pursuit of the Idealized Form documented innovations in photographic printing techniques driven by the desire to directly represent seaweeds in books in the late 19th century, and used the form of seaweeds as a model system to discuss the value and accuracy of interpretive forms of representation (such as drawing), versus relatively direct forms of representation (such as photography), versus mathematical and rule-based representations (which paradoxically can be considered either the most direct or the most interpretive form of representation). (AOF) |
January 2003
January 14, 2003 |
The Ecology of Block Island (2003), ed. Paton, Gould, August, and Frost has finally made it into print. Alex was one of the editors of this relatively comprehensive sourcebook. The Nature Conservancy named Block Island one of the "Last Great Places" and this book provides a lot of the scientific data to justify their claim. Look here for a review of the book in the Providence Journal, and look here for a review in the Block Island Times. Order copies of the book directly from the Rhode Island Natural History Survey. (AOF) |
January 7, 2003 |
Added our remaining photos from November and December, to complete the FieldCam image archive for 2002. See them here. Happy New Year. (MF, AOF, KH) |
December 2002
December 29, 2002 |
Restructured the "Learn More" page to accommodate "more". Added "Links of interest" to this section. Have a look at the links page here, and send us any suggestions for additions. Busy weekend between the holidays. (AOF) |
December 28, 2002 |
Finally rewrote and posted our answer to the burning question "What's cryptogamic botany?". See the answer here. (AOF) |
December 27, 2002 |
Saw the Scooby-Doo episode featuring the "Kelp Monster" for the first time. In the end, this villain turned out to be only a man in a kelp-monster suit, dispelling another myth about algae. Here's a short summary of the episode. (AOF) |
December 18, 2002 |
Added eight new images to the rotating images on the main FieldCam page. See them here. (MF) |
December 12, 2002 |
Added a series of panoramic images to the FieldCam section. Have a look. (MF) |